Right now in the forestry industry old growth trees are still being harvested and sold for very little value. We recently looked at 30 hectares of forest on the Sunshine Coast where old growth firs existed. We spoke to the company who were about to log it, and they said that the Canadian government would only receive 5-6 million for the entire 30 hectares. So we thought, what if we could fall one tree and sell the tree as chopsticks. One old doug fir could yield over 1 million chopsticks, and at $38 per set would create 30 million in revenue giving us the ability to save 4-5 30 hectare forests. The logic here is that we need to look deeper into the utmost value that is within trees. Realistically we wouldn't need to cut even 1 old growth, and only forage for the deadfall or dead standing from these 5 x 30 hectare forests that Barter is now protecting. The simple revenue of falling the trees is a loss. We should be connecting the goods to home through our local communities only harvesting in sustainable loops.